– Heroes of the land of the rising sun –
Lyrix = 403
Music = 403, Robert Legacy
Arrange = 403
Vocal = 403
Backing Vocal = 403
Choir = 403
Lead Guitar = Robert Legacy
Rythm Guitar = Robert Legacy
Keyboard = 403
*This song is dedicated to someone who died in the World War ll.
The last morning has come
Just like the shout of the trumpet,
the sunlight streams from where the skies and the land end
The tidal winds blow through me brutally,
and flaps my stark white scarf like blaze
Yesterday, my friends flied to the sky and did not return
I wonder did they go well?
I just pray and put a trembling hand to my chest
(俺はただ 恐怖で震えの止まらない手を胸に当てて祈るばかり)
Yes, my turn is next
So tonight I will die
(そう今夜 俺は死ぬ)
Until recently, We were just a students
We were poor but happy with our fam
Complexion of the war got worse day by day,
We had to go to the battle field
Went through hard battle with my friends,
So many people were killed by the war
One day, the commander summoned up us
and we were ordered the “suicide attack”
We’ve seen this coming but the time is here
(覚悟はしていたが ついにその時が来た)
Too young to depart from these lives now
We have so many regrets in our life
But we must die for the people to protect
(しかし守るべき人々のために 俺たちは死ななければならないんだ)
Tonight I fly towards the sky
(今夜俺は飛ぶ あの空に向かって)
ride on the zero to defeat the foes
(ゼロ戦を駆りて 敵を討つ)
Tonight I rise to guard the lives
(俺は進む 守るべき生命のため)
take on the millions dreams
Tonight I fight to turn the tide
(俺は闘う 戦局の流れを変えて)
and slash the way to that future
Tonight I cry “we are the Mights
for all the weaks who cannot fight”
So We were born to make a people happy!
(そうさ 俺たちは人々を幸せにするために生まれてきたんだ!)
The times has come! Leave tears and sorrows to yesterday!
Brace yourself! Ready to strike! We are the zero fighters!
(野郎共準備はいいか! 俺たちは誇り高きゼロ戦乗り!)
We’re only human
We are not fools enough to die by the word “Long live the Emperor”
(たとえ俺たちが 軍上層部が遊んでいる陣取りゲームの駒でしかないとしても)
Even if we are nothing more than a pawns in our imperial army’s game
(「万歳」という合言葉だけで喜んで命を投げ出せるほど 俺たちは馬鹿じゃない)
Everybody thought “Heck with the war” No one was happy to die by the suicide attack
(誰もがみな戦争なんて望んでなかったし 喜んで特攻した者はひとりもいなかった)
So we just want to live NOW
(そう 俺たちはただ、今を生きていたかっただけなんだ)
Heretofore,I fought like hell through the battlefield to see my mother again
(もう一度 生きて母に会うために 死に物狂いで戦場を戦い抜いてきた)
Always I remembered when I left my home, mother was weeping at the kitchen…
(戦場の中 いつも脳裏をよぎるのは かつて俺の門出の日に台所で泣いていた母親の姿だった…)
I must kill them!Because they killed my father!
I must kill them!Because they killed innocents!
I must kill them!Before they will kill us all!
I must kill them!But if I kill them, who will protect their family?
(でも俺が彼らを殺したら 誰が彼らの家族を守ってやれるのだろうか?)
I do not know it…
I feel chagrined at the bitter end
(無念だ ああ、なんて無念なんだ)
Of course, I do not want to die just yet
But we believe our “Blaze of Life”
will be “zero” of the lasting peace, so we’ll go.
(この国の平和の「礎」になると信じているから だから俺たちは行けるんだ)
For the family waiting for us
For the country where our jewels live we will die
For the future of somebody in somewhere
(ここではないどこかの 俺ではない誰かの未来のために)
We will burn our souls and fight until we die
(俺たちはこの魂を燃やし 最期まで戦おう)
I ain’t an Ace.I ain’t a Hero
I’m just a human who loves homeland and fam
so put all my effort into what I can do now
(だから 今できることに全力を尽くす)
if I fly to die but I live to fly!
(たとえ死ぬためにゼロに乗るとしても ゼロに乗るために 今この瞬間を生きるんだ!)
Tonight I’ll DIE! towards the sky
(今夜俺は死ぬ あの空に向かって)
ride on the zero to defeat the foes
(ゼロ戦を駆りて 敵を討つ)
Tonight I’ll DIE! to guard the lives
(俺は死ぬ 守るべき生命のため)
take on the millions dreams
Tonight I’ll DIE! to turn the tide
(俺は死ぬ 戦局の流れを変えて)
and slash the way to that future
Now I am dying and searching for a flattop
(今 死にゆく俺は 弾丸の雨をくぐり抜け)
I through a Rain of a thousand bullets
Friends are fall down one after another
My last war-cry is drowned by the barrage
When I lose my conscious at the last moment,
I feel like hear my mother’s voice
Sing a song
Let us sing a song of our world peace
(せかいへいわの うたをうたって)
to farewell all the sorrows
(すべてのかなしみに さよならをしよう)
Hand in hand, let’s form a ring
(てとてをつないで おおきなわになろう)
we could do it easily in childhood
(あなたがまだちいさなこどもだったころは きっとかんたんにできたはずだから)
Get along with the people of any country
(どこのくにの どんなひとたちとも)
And care about one another
(なかよくなって いたわりあおう)
Then the world is gonna be alright
(それができればきっと せかいはよくなっていくはずだから)
Let’s wish “may peace prevail on the world”
(さあ いっしょにいのりましょう 「せかいがへいわでありますように」)
わたくしはこの戦争を終わらせるため 爆弾を抱えて敵を倒してまいります。
何も孝行できませんでしたが 大事に育ててくれて本当にありがとうございました。
To my mother
Boiled eddoe, which you made when I went home was very delicious
I became nostalgic while I was writing a letter, and I want to eat Boiled Eddoe again, mother.
I will defeat the enemy by bombs to end this war.
Pardon me, an undutiful son, who dies earlier than you.
Please praise me, saying “Well done!”.
If I think you praise me, courage emerges in me to carry out.
However, American soldiers whom I defeat, also have family, friends, and beloved.
Although they are my enemy, if I kill them, I make someone unhappy.
And their family will come to kill Japanese with hatred in their heart.
Nobody will become happy. It is sad to me.
After I would be able to complete the mission, I will be enshrined in the Yasukuni Shrine.
I feel nostalgia with reminding the day when we went to pray there with all family member.
I’m sure that my brother, whom you have no longer in contact with after he went to the Pearl Harbor, is alive somewhere.
Please come to the Yasukuni Shrine with you two when the war is over.
I’ll be waiting for you with my father.
I’ll be waiting for the day forever, on which we can meet as a family again, like old days.
Please take care of yourself, mother.
Thank you so much for giving birth me to be strong and healthy.
Thank you for letting me have the courage not to give up.
I could not contribute to you in any way.
But thank you so much for bringing me up carefully.
The happiest thing in my life was to be born as your son.
*This farewell note was discarded by the censorship of his superior officer, and his last words did not reach to his mother.
I`m Korean boy
my name is Kim jeong woo
I love your songs
Thank you so much!!!!