-We are (not) the Heroes-
Lyrix = 403
Music = 403
Arrange = 403
Vocal = Hatanaka
Choir = 403, 1024, Robert Legacy
Guitar = Robert Legacy
Keyboard = 403
When you were young boy, who did you want to be like?
(小さい頃 君のヒーローは誰だった?)
I wanted to be a “knight in shining armor” like Ultraman.
(俺はウルトラマンみたいな 正義の味方になりたかった)
If I were like him, so many people would respect me.
(正義の味方になれたなら みんなから尊敬されると思ったんだ)
But as I have gotten older I have come to understand something.
Life is not fair, not everyone can succeed.
(人生は平等じゃなく 誰もがみな成功できるわけではなくて)
Many dreams don’t come true.
(おおよそ夢は きっとかなわないことに)
So I couldn’t be the hero…
(そう 俺はヒーローになれなかったんだ…)
I ain’t a Hero.
I hate the Hero.
I could not be the Hero I dreamed of childhood.
(結局 かつて憧れたヒーローにはなれなかった)
My dreams and hopes faded away in that starry sky.
(俺の夢や希望は もうとっくにあの星空に消えていった)
Yet, the little fire is still burning in my heart.
(それでも 俺の胸にはまだ小さな火が燃えている)
We were spellbound by adults in childhood.
“Justice shall prevail” and “Hard work pays off”
They are kind lies than the “Santa Claus”.
Or rather, just like the fuckin’ crazy”curse”.
But as I have gotten older I have come to understand something.
(だけど それも大人になるにつれてわかってしまった)
“Life is not that easy”
Children will grow up when they come out of a dream.
(夢から覚めた子供たちから 大人になっていく)
I am the last believer of myself.
(結局 自分を最後まで信じてくれるのは自分しかいないんだ)
Ideals wreck all our dreams.
Ardors break all our hopes.
But I never give up, keep carry on.
You and I are not alone. Together, we will get through this.
(君も俺もひとりじゃない いっしょに乗り越えよう)
After all, I wanna be a Hero I wanted to be.
(やっぱり俺 あの日憧れたヒーローになりたいから)
We aren’t the Heroes.
We are the Heroes of each story
once in a lifetime
This is my story.I am the Hero.
(これは俺の物語 その主役は俺さ)
I won’t bore you. the story
has a plot twist from nadir.
(どん底の人生から這い上がる どんでん返しの物語だから)
We aren’t the Heroes.
We are the Heroes of each story
once in a lifetime
This is your story. This is our story.
(これは君たちの物語 そして俺たちの物語)
It’s starting from here never-ending our story.
(ここから始まっていく 決して終わらない物語)
It’s starting from here our story of the “Heroes”
(ここから始まっていく 俺たち「英雄」の物語)
So we always blaze our own trail.
(そう、いつだって物語の切り開くのは 英雄たち(おれたち)なんだから)
We won’t let our dreams end as dreams!