Follow me -Sacred Heroine-

Follow me
-Sacred Heroine-

Lyrix = 403 / Jeanne d’Arc
Music = 403
Arrange = 403
Vocal = Hatanaka
Choir = 403, 1024, Robert Legacy
Lead Guitar = Robert Legacy
Rhythm Guitar = Robert Legacy
Keyboard = 403


I was in my thirteenth year when I heard a voice from God to help me govern my conduct.
(わたしが13才の時 はじめて神の声を聞いた)
And the first time that I heard this voice, I was very much afraid.
(その時 最初はとても怖かったのを 今でも覚えている)

Since God commanded it, even if I had a hundred fathers and mothers,
I would have gone nevertheless.
(神がお言いつけになられているのだから 私はただそれに従うのみ)
I would rather die than do something
which I know to be a sin,or to be against God’s will.
Whoever serves me must follow me
and where I am, my servant also will be.
(わたしのいるところに 神の使者もまた存在するのだから)

My Father will honor the one who serves me
(わたしに仕えるお前たちには みな神のご加護があるのだ)
Act, and God will act.
(まずは行動することだ そうすれば神もきっと行動されるだろう)

Follow me!
“One life” is all we have.
(”かけがえのない一度きりの人生” それがわれら人間の持つすべて)
and we live it as we believe in living it
But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief,
(だけど もしあなたが「自分が何者であるか」を放棄し)
that is a fate more terrible than dying.
(信念を持たずに生きることは 死ぬことよりもっと悲しいことだから)
So follow me!!
(だから わたしについてきなさい!! )

Children say that people are hung killed sometimes for speaking the truth.
(子供たちが言っている 「正直者は首つり台に送られる」 と)
This world is wrong and I must change the world! I am not afraid. I was born to do this!!
(そんな間違った世界をわたしが変えてやる!恐れはない このために生まれてきたんだから!!)

Since God commanded it even if I had been a King’s daughter
I would have gone nevertheless.
(神がお言いつけになられているのだから わたしはただそれに従うのみ)

I would rather die than do something
which I know to be a sin,or to be against God’s will.
Whoever serves me must follow me
and where I am, my servant also will be.
(わたしのいるところに 神の使者もまた存在するのだから)
My Father will honor the one who serves me
(わたしに仕えるお前たちには みな神のご加護があるのだ)
So Follow me!


Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Oh, is this the ordeal you gave me? Jesus…?
(神様、神様、神様! ああ これもあなたが与えた試練なのでしょうか…?)
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Oh now I consign my soul to you…
(神様、神様、神様! ああ 神様 今この身を委ねます…)